
发布时间: 2021-03-25 11:05:07

2021美国高中排名前50名名单,想必很多学生想要去美国留学,对去美国留学的相关的问题和留学知识还不太了解, 下面小满留学留学专家为大家详细内容,有问题的学生欢迎咨询小满留学留学顾问老师,顾问老师和大家进行一对一的解答





4Concord Academy 康科德学校

5 St. Paul‘s School圣保罗中学

6 Middlesex School米德尔塞克斯中学

7 Hotchkiss School霍奇基斯中学

8 Phillips Academy Andover 安多佛菲利普斯中学

9 Deerfield Academy迪尔菲尔德中学

10 Peddie School佩蒂中学

11 St. Andrew‘s School圣安德鲁中学

12 Lawrenceville School劳斯维伦斯中学

13 The Hockaday School 霍克黛女子中学

14 Choate Rosemary Hall乔特罗斯玛丽中学

15 Cate School凯特中学

16 Indian Springs School印第安泉中学

17 The Thacher School撒切尔中学

18 Georgetown Preparatory School乔治城预备中学

19 Loomis Chaffee School路米斯卡费中学

20 St. Mark‘s School圣马可中学

21 The Webb Schools韦伯中学

22 St Stephen‘s Episcopal School圣斯蒂芬主教中学

23 Episcopal High School主教高中

24 The Madeira School马德拉中学

25 Oregon Episcopal School俄勒冈主教中学

26 Saint James School圣詹姆斯中学

27 The Athenian School雅典中学

28 St. George‘s School圣乔治中学

29 Emma Willard School艾玛维拉德中学

30 Advanced Academy of Georgia乔治亚高级中学

31 Santa Catalina School圣特凯特利那中学

32 Cranbrook Schools克莱布鲁克中学

33 Woodside Priory School伍德赛德中学

34 St. Anne‘s-Belfield School 圣安尼贝尔费德中学

35 Stevenson School史蒂文森中学

36 Asheville School阿什维尔中学

37 The Cambridge School of Weston威斯顿剑桥中学

38 Miss Porter‘s School波特中学

39 Brooks School布鲁克斯中学

40 Dana Hall School 丹娜豪女中中学

41 Blair Academy布莱尔中学

42 Hill School 西尔中学

43 Tabor Academy泰伯中学

44 Westover School西部中学

45 Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School罗本盖普中学

46 Westtown School西城中学

47 The Stony Brook School石溪中学

48 Mercersburg Academy莫斯堡中学

49 Fountain Valley School of Colorado科罗拉多山泉中学

50 Saint John‘s Preparatory School圣约翰预备中学  


#1 Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology

#2 International Academy

#3 Whitney High School

#4 Oxford Academy

#5 The School for the Talented and Gifted (TAG Magnet)

#6 Newcomers High School

#7 Pacific Collegiate School

#8 The School of Science and Engineering Magnet (SEM)

#9 BASIS Tucson

#10 International School

#11 High Technology High School

#12 Academic Magnet High School

#13 IDEA Academy & College Preparatory

#14 Pine View School

#15 Design and Architecture Senior High School

#16 KIPP Houston High School

#17 Stanton College Preparatory School

#18 The Early College at Guilford

#19 The High School of American Studies at Lehman College

#20 Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School

#21 University High School

#22 California Academy of Math & Science

#23 Ánimo Leadership Charter High School

#24 Raleigh Charter High School

#25 Lennox Mathematics, Science & Technology Academy

#26 Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet

#27 Benjamin Franklin High School

#28 Lowell High School

#29 International Community School

#30 Martin Luther King Academic Magnet School

#31 Stuyvesant High School

#32 The Preuss School UCSD

#33 Townsend Harris High School

#34 Staten Island Technical High School

#35 Baccalaureate School for Global Education

#36 Mission San Jose High School

#37 Northside College Prep

#38 Boston Latin School

#39 Bergen Academies Hackensack

#40 Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions

#41 Yonkers High School

#42 Paxon School for Advanced Studies

#43 McNair Academic High SchoolJersey City, NJ2.781.3

#44 School of International Studies San Diego High School

#45 Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School

#46 South Side High School

#47 Langley High School

#48 Jericho High School

#49 The Charter School of Wilmington

#50 Westshore Junior/Senior High School  

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